Registration & Compliances

All types of business registrations are accepted, including Pvt Ltd companies, OPCs, LLCs, LLPs, Public Limited Companies, Producers, and so on.

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ISO Certification

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. ISO Certification can be a useful tool to add credibility to your work

Permanent Account Number (PAN)

A Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a ten-character alphanumeric identifier , issued by Income Tax Department.

Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN)

Today, Management is India's most popular online legal services portal for TAN registration Service Providers.

Goods & Service Tax (GST)

Through Today Management, you can submit your GST registration application online. Get assistance with the GST registration process, eligibility, and needed papers.

Shops Act

The Shop License in India is taken care by the state and may slightly differ from state to state.This Certificate is also necessary for entrepreneurs who conduct a business from home without a physical store or premises.

Firm Registration

The registration is carried out by the registrar of Firms (ROF) in the jurisdiction of the business's place of activity. A firm is a group of professionals that must all operate in the same direction and under the same roof.

FSSAI (Food License)

FSSAI stands for “Food Safety and Standards Authority of India”. It is an independent body under the Ministry of Health of India. It is the highest authority which is responsible for controlling and monitoring the food safety. FSSAI registration is compulsory for anyone who intends to conduct food business in India.

Digital Signature

DSC stands for Digital Signature Certificate which is used in digitally signing electronic documents by authorized person . Certifying Authority has been appointed by the Controller of Certifying Authority to issue DSC. The Digital Signature Certificates are stored in specialized USB pendrives.

Business Registration Number (BRN)

The BRC will provide Business Registration Number (BRN) and the principal activity Code (NIC 2008) to the entrepreneur who wish to establish any enterprise .

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We provide online compliance solution by simplifying time consuming and cumbersome paperwork with utmost professionalism in speedy manner.


Today Management Consultant India is one of the inspirational group of professionals who are experts in their core areas having commitment with excellence in their Field of CA, CS & Lawyers.

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We are Providing Customized one stop solution for your business different needs.