digital signature

Get your Digital Signature from anywhere in India and protect the Brand Name/Logo/Tagline. Submit the required documents and we will assist you with the whole registration process.

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What is DSC ?

DSC stands for Digital Signature Certificate which is used in digitally signing electronic documents by authorized person . Certifying Authority has been appointed by the Controller of Certifying Authority to issue DSC. The Digital Signature Certificates are stored in specialized USB pendrives. You may contact us to get your Class 1 | Class 2 | Class 3 DSC at affordable prices. (We have partnered with Certifying authority like E-Mudhra, Sify and N-Code.)


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No. Having a Digital Signature Certificate is not mandatory for everybody but with the rise in technologically driven sectors, government agencies have also adopted digital signature facility. It is a statutory requirement for various e-forms to be digitally signed by the authorised signatory. A digital signature certificate establishes the identity of the holder. It is like a PAN card or a passport and enables the holder to prove his identity

A DSC can be used to digitally sign various documents to be submitted to the Govt. Dept. such as Income tax Return (ITR) Filing, GSTR Filing, MCA e-filings , filimng e-tenders etc.

While applying for the DSC, the individual or organization must deliberately select the class of DSC they need. There are 3 different classes of digital signature certificates which are explained briefly below :

Class 1: It verifies the name and email address of individuals. It can’t be used by Companies.

Class 2: . It can be used for filing tax returns. It is needed by companies and other entities. A Class 2 digital signature certificate verifies the identity of a person against a trusted , pre-verified database.

However, from 01.01.2021, the Controller of Certifying Authority has instructed to discontinue Class 2 Certificates and Class 3 Certificates will be issued in place of Class 2 Certificates.

Class 3: This is needed for individuals or entities who would like to participate in online auctions or tenders. It is the highest and most secure form of a digital signature certificate. To obtain this, the applicant must present himself or herself in front of a registration authority.

The validity of DSC  depends on class DSC being issued. However, the Certifying Authorities are authorized to issue a DSC with a validity of 1 or 2 years.

Yes. For personal and professional uses an individual can hold separate DSCs.

The DSC needs to be renewed within 7 days prior to the expiry of the existing DSC.  In case the renewal is not done within the stipulated time, the holder will have to apply for a new DSC . An important point to be noted before renewal of DSC is that , the renewal must be in the existing name. If the holder applies for renewal in a different name, it will be considered as a new application.

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