Trademark Registration Online in india

Get your Trademark registration from anywhere in India and protect the Brand Name/Logo/Tagline. Submit the required documents and we will assist you with the whole registration process.

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What is Trademark Registration?

A trademark (popularly known as brand name) in layman’s language is a visual symbol which may be a word signature, name, device, label, numerals or combination of colours used by one undertaking on goods or services or other articles of commerce to distinguish it from other similar goods or services originating from a different undertaking. Owner of trademark has exclusive rights to use their mark in relation to the categories they are registered in. Trademark registration process can also be obtained for a business name, distinctive catch phrases, taglines or captions.

A trademark is a recognisable logo that distinguishes your business, product, or goods from others in the market. In India, registering your brand makes it an intellectual property, making it an essential intangible asset for your company. This type of registration protects the resources you’ve invested in building consumer trust and loyalty.

Furthermore, trademark registration in India grants the ability to prosecute individuals who seek to imitate your brand while preventing others from using a trademark similar to yours. You may secure your market position and prevent competitors from stealing your brand’s awareness by protecting your distinct identity.

Trademark Registration Requirements

What We Can register As An Trademark

When it comes to registering your brand as a trademark in India, there are several aspects to consider. First and foremost, you need to determine which aspect of your brand stands out the most to your customers. This could be your product name, business name, personal name, abbreviation, logo, symbol, tagline, or even a specific color, sound, or scent associated with your brand.

If you’re considering registering your product name, keep in mind that it should be unique and memorable. A great example of a product name trademark is Apple’s iPod. Similarly, if you’re registering your business name, make sure it’s distinctive and not too generic. Bajaj is a common business name that has been successfully registered as a trademark.

If your personal name is closely associated with your brand and generates revenue, you can even consider trademarking it. Shah Rukh Khan is an example of someone who has trademarked his name.

A logo or symbol is another aspect that is highly recommended to trademark because it visually represents your brand and is easy for customers to remember. Nike’s ‘swoosh’ is a great example of a successfully registered trademark in India.

If you have a tagline for your brand, you can also consider trademarking it. A tagline communicates what your business stands for and is an important aspect of your brand identity. KFC’s ‘It’s finger lickin’ good’ is a well-known example of a trademarked tagline.

Finally, there are other options to consider, such as trademarking a specific color, sound, or scent associated with your brand. Cadbury’s royal blue color and Nokia’s trademarked tune are great examples of successful online trademark registrations for color and sound marks, respectively. Even scents can be trademarked in online trademark registration.

Overall, when registering your brand as a trademark in India, it’s important to consider which aspect of your brand stands out the most to your customers and choose a unique and memorable trademark that sets your brand apart.

Types of Trademark registration

One Stop Solutions for all Types of Trademark Registration Requirement

Trademark Hearing

The Appearance Before The Registrar Of Trademarks, Either Face To Face Or Through A Trademark Attorney Or Agent, With Every Single Supporting Archive And Clarification To Eliminate The Protests Raised Under The Examination Report, Is Called A Trademark Hearing.

Trademark Objection

When The Brand Name Vault Has Motives To Protest The Application And Request Explanation On Specific Focuses, The Brand Name Vault Will File A Brand Name Complaint. To obtain the brand name, you must document your response to the complaint within 30 days of receiving the report. In response, you have identified a list of reasons why your logo, trademark, or brand name is distinct. ​

Trademark Renewal

An application for the renewal of a trade mark registration must be made on this form and must be submitted no later than six months before the expiration date. Get your Trademark Certificate renewed before it expires so that you can continue to enjoy your Trademark Rights without interruption.

Trademark Rectification

In India, trademark rectification can be filed on the basis of a violation or failure to observe a condition of a trade mark already registered in the Register, or an error in the registration of the trade mark. A trademark rectification is the process of correcting a trademark error and filing a legal petition for trademark correction.

Trademark Opposition

A 'trademark opposition' is an objection lodged by a third party against the registration of a trademark within four months of the trademark being challenged being advertised. This includes any mark that can be linked to a previously registered trademark or that has become commonplace in the trade.

Copyright Registration

Copyright registration can be done from anywhere in India. Present the required archives and receive a limited licence to use or reproduce the work, such as literary, musical, audio, visual, or artistic work. It Is Relevant To A Broad Range Of Creative, Scholarly, Academic, Or Imaginative Structures Or Works. The Proprietor Who Has Enlisted Copyright Makes Use Of The Copyright Image '©'

Patent Registration

You can register your patent from anywhere in India. Present the required documents, and we will assist you with the full enlisting process. It Is A Public Authority-granted Syndication Right That Prevents Others From Making, Using, Selling, Or Bringing In The Licensed Item Or Interaction Without Prior Approval. The patent insurance policy has a 20-year term.

Design Registration

A newly generated design applied to a product made through an industrial process can be secured from counterfeiting by design registration, which is a sort of intellectual property protection. The design should be related to an article's shape, configuration, pattern, or adornment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

Trademark Registration, Hearing, Objection, Renewal, Rectification, Opposition

Trademark is a visual symbol which may be name, label, numerals or combination of colours used by one proprietor in relation to his goods or services to distinguish them from other similar goods or services originating from a different proprietor.

a) It identifies the goods or services and its origin. b) It guarantees the unchanged quality. c) A Trademark helps the consumer distinguish between the goods. d) A trademark protects the proprietor’s reputation.

a) It should be capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of others. b) It should be used or proposed to be used mark in relation to goods or services for the purpose of indicating or so as to indicate a connection in the course of trade between the goods or services and some person have the right to use the mark with or without identity of that person.

Registration of the mark confers upon the proprietor the exclusive right to use the trademark in relation to goods or services and to indicate so by using the symbol (R). Registered proprietor can establish and protect the goodwill of his products or services, he can stop other traders from unlawfully using his trademark, sue for damages and secure destruction of infringing goods and or labels.

The best trademarks are distinctive mark. Distinctive marks often include arbitrary or fanciful or coined terms and are capable of ascertaining one applicant’s goods (services) without any likelihood of causing confusion to the public.

Any person who claims to be the owner of a trademark, he/she needs to submit the application mentioning the related goods and services associated with the company.

Once the trademark is registered, it is valid for a period of 10 years from the date of application. The registration can then be renewed indefinitely as long as the renewal fees are paid every 10 years.

‘TM’ stands for Trademark. The use of TM symbol notifies the public that the company is claiming exclusive ownership of the trademark and can generally be used by Applicant of Trademark Application. Whereas, the ® symbol, can be used only once the trademark is registered and the registration certificate is issued by Trademark Registry.

Don’t worry, just fill the above mentioned details & contact the professionals of and we will guide you with the complete process.

The territorial jurisdiction for trademark applications and hearings has been divided into five zones, each of which is comprised of different states and union territories.

a) It identifies the goods or services and its origin. b) It guarantees the unchanged quality. c) A Trademark helps the consumer distinguish between the goods. d) A trademark protects the proprietor’s reputation.

a) It should be capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of others. b) It should be used or proposed to be used mark in relation to goods or services for the purpose of indicating or so as to indicate a connection in the course of trade between the goods or services and some person have the right to use the mark with or without identity of that person.

Registration of the mark confers upon the proprietor the exclusive right to use the trademark in relation to goods or services and to indicate so by using the symbol (R). Registered proprietor can establish and protect the goodwill of his products or services, he can stop other traders from unlawfully using his trademark, sue for damages and secure destruction of infringing goods and or labels.

The best trademarks are distinctive mark. Distinctive marks often include arbitrary or fanciful or coined terms and are capable of ascertaining one applicant’s goods (services) without any likelihood of causing confusion to the public.

Any person who claims to be the owner of a trademark, he/she needs to submit the application mentioning the related goods and services associated with the company.

Once the trademark is registered, it is valid for a period of 10 years from the date of application. The registration can then be renewed indefinitely as long as the renewal fees are paid every 10 years.

‘TM’ stands for Trademark. The use of TM symbol notifies the public that the company is claiming exclusive ownership of the trademark and can generally be used by Applicant of Trademark Application. Whereas, the ® symbol, can be used only once the trademark is registered and the registration certificate is issued by Trademark Registry.

Don’t worry, just fill the above mentioned details & contact the professionals of and we will guide you with the complete process

The response to the Trademark objection report should include reasons, facts, and evidence as to why the mark should be registered in the applicant’s favour, as well as supporting evidence.

If no legal reply is filed, the trademark registry has the authority to cancel the trademark application.

Yes, you must file your response within 30 days of the report’s publication.

You must submit the necessary information, and Team of Today Management Consultant will take care of the rest.

Don’t worry, simply fill out the above-mentioned information and contact the professionals at Today Management Consultant, and we will walk you through the entire process.

It is valid for a period of ten years and is renewable indefinitely.

Trademark registrations are valid for ten years. Registered trademarks must be renewed by filing a renewal application in order to continue to be used.

The Trademark Registry categorizes goods and services into 45 categories. The trademark would only be registered in these classes.

Trademark renewal process can be done at any time within six months of the expiration of a ten-year trademark registration. Any additional delay beyond 6 months will result in an additional fee. If the renewal process is not completed within 12 months of the trademark’s expiration date, the trademark will be removed from the trademark register.

Trademark renewal process can be done at any time within six months of the expiration of a ten-year trademark registration. Any additional delay beyond 6 months will result in an additional fee. If the renewal process is not completed within 12 months of the trademark’s expiration date, the trademark will be removed from the trademark register.

At the point when the fundamental prerequisite or conventions for Trademark Registration is fragmented or missing, the Trademark Registry site shows status as “Customs Chk Fail”. The Trade Mark Registry checks the fundamental necessities, for example, regardless of whether proper interpretation/literal interpretation (in the event that relevant) has been filed,filing in wrong class. Regardless of whether the POA has been transferred (whenever documented through a specialist). On the off chance that these essential necessities are satisfied, the status could be reflected as “Conventions Chk Pass”.

The reason for the Formalities check Fail should be determined, and appropriate action should be taken before the application can be registered.

Indeed, you need to record the answer inside the 30 days from report of Formality Check Fail is given.

Indeed. Custom Check Fail comes at a starter stage subsequent to presenting the Application. Complaint is raised once all the Formality are check passed by the division.

You need to present the necessary data and Team of Today Management Consultant will wrap up.

Relax, simply fill the previously mentioned subtleties and contact the experts of Today Management Consultant and we will direct you with the total interaction.

A trademark opposition process is a sort of litigation that takes place before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (Board) and allows a third party to oppose to your application before it is awarded registration.

In most cases, the TTAB will rule in favour of the opposing party. You may be allowed to make a move to vacate the default decision and proceed with the trial in some instances. If a default judgement is entered against you, it will bar you from filing any future applications for the same mark.

Notice of Opposition: Within four months of the date of publication in the trademark journal, anyone can file a notice of opposition on a trademark.
Counter Statement: The Applicant has two months from the date of receipt of the notice of objection to file a counter statement.

While there is no set format for an Answer, it is usually best to respond to each numbered paragraph of the complaint with a brief statement accepting or rejecting the allegations. If you can’t, declare that you don’t have enough information to admit or refute the assertions.

The trademark application’s applicant’s name. If the owner of the earlier trademark files an opposition, his name and address, as well as the specifics of his trademark/rights, must be included. If the opposing party does not have a business presence in India, the opponents’ name and address for service in India.

Objection to a Trademark

First, go to

Step 2: On the page, click the Trademark Bar.

Step 3: In the dropdown menu that appears, click on the related links bar.

Step 4: Select Trademark Status from the drop-down menu.

Copyright is a right given by the law to makers of abstract, emotional, melodic and creative works and makers of cinematograph movies and sound chronicles.

By and large, the term of copyright is the lifetime of the creator in addition to 60 years from there on.

Any person who is a creator or rights proprietor or appointee or lawful beneficiary can document application for copyright of a work.

Indeed. PC Software or program can be enrolled as a ‘scholarly work’. Artistic Work incorporates PC projects, tables and accumulations including PC information bases”.

A site contains a few works like scholarly works, imaginative works (photos and so on), sound chronicles, video cuts, cinematograph movies and broadcastings and PC programming as well. Accordingly, separate applications must be petitioned for enrollment of this load of works.

After you record your application and get journal number you need to hang tight for an obligatory time of 30 days so no complaint is documented in the Copyright office against your case. On the off chance that any protest is documented, the Registrar of Copyrights in the wake of offering a chance of hearing to both the gatherings may choose to enroll the work or something else.

Relax, simply fill the previously mentioned subtleties and contact the experts of Today Management Consultant and we will direct you with the total interaction.

A Patent is a legal appropriate for an innovation allowed for a restricted timeframe to the patentee by the Government, in return of complete honesty of his creation for barring others, from making, utilizing, selling, bringing in the protected item or cycle for delivering that item for those reasons without his assent.

Patentee has a selective right to keep outsiders from the demonstration of making, utilizing, making available for purchase, selling or bringing in of a licensed item or cycle.

a) A patent application can be recorded either by evident and first designer or his appointee, either alone or together with some other individual. b) The lawful agent of any perished individual, who preceding his demise was qualified for document an application for patent, can likewise apply for something similar with the Patent Office. c) The application for patent can likewise be made by ethicalness of a task of the option to apply for a patent for the development.

The term of each patent conceded is a long time from the date of documenting of use.

A development relating either to an item or cycle that is new, including innovative advance and equipped for modern application can be protected.

It ought to have been done at the most punctual conceivable date right away since the first to document application rule is appropriate according to patent enrollment.

A court may allow for alleviation in the encroachment suit incorporates an order (subject to such terms, assuming any, as the court might suspect fit) and, at the choice of the offended party, either harms or a record of benefits.

It is an element of shape, arrangement, example, trimming or piece of lines or shadings applied to any article by any modern cycle which in the completed article appeal to and are judged exclusively by the eye.

Enrolled owner has a selective right to apply a plan to any article in any class wherein the plan is enlisted.

Enrolled owner has a restrictive right to utilize plan for the term of a long time from the date of the enlistment. However, it tends to be stretched out for more 5 years by paying recommended expense inside the lapse of the first time of ten years.

a) That it should be a plan. b) The plan should be new or unique, not recently distributed or utilized in any country before the date of utilization for enrollment. Here, innovation implies beginning from the creator of such plan and incorporates the cases which however old in themselves yet are new in their application c) That the plan has not been recently enlisted in India. d) That it doesn’t includes or contains shameful or foul matter e) That it is fundamentally recognizable from known plans or blend of known plans.

Any individual professing to be the “owner of any new or unique plan” not recently distributed in any nation and isn’t in opposition to public request or profound quality can apply for the enrollment of the plan.

First-to-document rule is relevant for enrollment reason for plan.

One can recorded the encroachment suit and guarantee harm to control others from the utilizing a similar plan which has been enlisted by the enrolled owner.

To secure the elite right to utilize plan and prohibit others from utilizing the plan it is required to enlist your plan.

Indeed, it is feasible to reestablish the plan as way gave under the demonstration.

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